Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy today gave the green signal to connect the much-neglected suburbs of North Hyderabad with the rest of the city by extending the Metro network to Medchal and Shamirpet. This has been a long-standing demand of the residents to integrate North Hyderabad in the Metro network and the announcement was greeted with celebrations by the local residents. The CM directed Hyderabad Airport Metro Limited (HAML) managing director NVS Reddy to prepare the detailed project report for the extension of the Metro network from Paradise in Secunderabad to Medchal and from Jubilee Bus Station to Shamirpet within three months.
The announcement came after the HAML managing director met the CM to extend his New Year greetings. The CM discussed the proposal with Reddy as well as Dana Kishore, the secretary of municipal administration and urban development department. While the Metro network between Paradise and Medchal will cover 23 km the one between JBS and Shamirpet will be 22 km long. Pointing out, that the proposed extensions were long-standing demands of the local residents the CM asked HAML to prepare the DPRs and submit them to the central government for approval. He also suggested that the local BJP MP Etela Rajender be kept in the loop. Rajender, who is tipped to be the next BJP president of Telangana is the Malkajgiri MP, a seat which was earlier represented by Revanth Reddy before he became the chief minister.
The Paradise to Medchal route will touch on Tadbund, Bowenpally, Suchitra, Kompally, Gundlapochampally, Kandlakoya and ORR exit while JBS to Shamirpet route will be via Vikrapuri, Karkhana, Trimulgherry, Lothukunta, Alwal, Bollaram, Hakimpet, Thumukunta and ORR exit.
The Medchal Metro Sadhana Samithi has been demanding Metro connectivity for the Northern Hyderabad suburb region. Following the announcement about the extension of the Metro network the Samithi members expressed their happiness and announced they will celebrate tomorrow by pouring milk on the chief minister’s photograph.